If You Apply Just ONE Diet Tip In Your Life, Let This Be It
A lot of the stuff you read on the web these days is the same old thing regurgitated over and over again.
As Solomon says, there really is nothing new under the sun.
But when you’ve read 10 tips for this, and 25 ways to do that, so many times, it really does get a bit tired after a while.
I know, I’ve written blog posts like that in the past, too. There is a place for them.
But, often you find yourself coming away from that type of article with very little, because there’s so much in there you just don’t know what to focus on.
The result is that you end up focusing on nothing.
The Best Diet Tip
As I thought about that, I wondered what my best diet tip would be if I were forced to give just one.
And, that’s a difficult question.
How do I come up with just one tip that will really and truly help you to improve your diet?
It’s tough, but I know this diet tip is extremely beneficial, because I apply it everyday in my own home.
No-one can deny that chronic illness is rampant, but we cannot escape the biological law of cause and effect — that means the food choices you are making are the most significant cause of disease and premature death.
You can, however, put that right in your own kitchen, by choosing to eat the most nutrient dense foods available to you.
Today, I want you to do just one thing that will make a difference to your health and life.
Focus on adding to your diet, not taking away
Often the negativity associated with taking certain foods out of the diet can hinder our progress. As a result, we get nowhere fast.
In addition to this, when you add nutrient packed foods to your diet, you will naturally eat less of the unhealthier foods you’d like to avoid.
This is because you feel more satisfied from the volume of the other foods you are eating, your body is getting more of the nutrients it needs, and so you crave food less.
So, what foods can you add to your diet to make it the most nutrient rich diet?
Let me give you just one example of how this works.
Diet Tip: Add Fruits And Vegetables
When you focus on getting at least 7 portions of fruits and vegetables into your diet each day, you will very easily start to eat better and feel healthier.
This is because you will be filling up on nutrient dense, high fiber foods, yet these foods are also low in calories. That means lots of nutrients, more energy, a lower calorie intake, and you don’t feel hungry all of the time… it’s a win-win situation.
I suggest that you try to work more vegetables into your recipes, as well as just serving them on the side of your dinner plate.
I like to add grated vegetables like carrots or courgette to chili and curry, or spinach leaves to soups, for example.
Something else we do regularly at home, is to have a large bowl of salad in the middle of the table at dinner time to eat either at the beginning or end of our meal.
My favorite salads have green leaves (spinach, watercress), with tomatoes, red peppers, raw broccoli, grated carrot, with a lemon juice and garlic dressing. It’s so simple and delicious.
You can take this basic principle and apply it to all of your meals and snacks. You could, for example, swap a sugary, highly processed snack for raw nuts, or cut out sodas and drink water and green tea instead.
Basically, your focus is to get the most nutrients into your meals and snacks each day.
When you think about your eating habits in that way, it really helps you to avoid foods that aren’t so good for you, because each time you reach for a cookie, you are forced to ask yourself if this is really the best choice available to help you meet your goal of a nutrient dense diet.
I asked on my Facebook page, what’s the best diet tip you’ve ever heard? This is Waseem’s response,
When you’re standing in front of something you’re about to eat ask yourself: “Is this going to clog me or cleanse me?”
Thank you Waseem. I thought that was a very appropriate diet tip for today’s article :-)
Action Tip: If you’re not already, set aside one week to experiment with adding 7 or more portions of fruit and vegetables to your diet every day. Don’t focus on removing bad stuff. But, if you focus on adding these nutrient rich foods, you’ll consequently eat less of the stuff doing you no good. Let me know how you get on.