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Buy Steroids Online:
Bulking Steroids:
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Testabol Propionate 100 BD
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TestoJect 10 ml bottle 250 mg/ml
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Testosterone cypionate 10ml
Testosterone Enanthate 250
Testosterone Enanthate 250 Norma
Testosterone Propionate, 50mg/ml , 1ml amp, Farmak
Testosterone suspension / Aqiaviron
Testoviron Depot / Schering
TESTOVIS / testosterone-propionate
Trenabol 75 / Trenbolone Acetate
Tri-Trenabol 150
Turanabol 10mg
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Virormone 2ml (Testosterone Propionate) 100mg (50mg/1ml)

Cutting Steroids:
Aldactazide 25mg
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Bonavar 2.5mg
BU - Equipoise 200 mg/ml
Danabolan 76mg/1.5ml
Drive (Boldenone undecylenate) 25mg/ml, 10ml vial
Equilon 100mg/1ml
Equipoise 50mg/1ml
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Masteron 100 / 100mg/1ml
Parabolan / trenbolone acetate, 25mg
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Primobol-100 10ml
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Primobol-100 (Methenolone Enanthate) 10ml
Primoject 10ml vial contains 1000mg
Protabol (methandriol dipropionate) 75mg/ml, 10ml vial
Stanabol 10mg (Stanozolol) BD
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Tri-Trenbola (Testosterone Mix) 10ml
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Propecia 1mg (Finasteride)
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HCG / HGH / Human Hormones:
Choriomon 5000 IU
Chorionic Gonadotropin 10 x 2000 IU
Chorionic Gonadotropin 10 x 5000 IU
EPIAO 10000IU/1ml
EPIAO 2000IU/1ml
Humatrope Somatropin 60IU Package (4 Vials x 15 IU)
Humulin (100iu per 1ml / 3ml Vial)
IGF1 Long R3 100mcg per Vial
Jintropin 10IU(100IU/box)
Jintropin 4IU(40IU/box)
Jintropin™ AQ 30iu (150iu/kit)
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Norditropin (HGH) 4iu (1.3mg) + Solvent
Pregnyl 5000 IU
Pregnyl 15'000 IU
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Somatropin 8IU, (80IU per kit), 10 vials
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Complete Price List

Complete Price List

Bulking Steroids

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Anabol (Dianabol)(Methandrostenolone) 10mg x 100 tabletsBritish Dispensary / Thailand100 tabs$20.00
Anabol (Dianabol)(Methandrostenolone) 10mg x 1000 tabletsBritish Dispensary / Thailand1.000 tabs$190.00
Anabol (Dianabol)(Methandrostenolone) 5mg x 1000 tabletsBritish Dispensary / Thailand1.000 tabs$95.00
Anabol (Dianabol)(Methandrostenolone) 5mg x 1000 tabletsBritish Pharmaceuticals / China1.000 tabs$105.00
Anabol 5 mg MethandienoneBritish Dispensary, Thailand1.000 tabs$130.00
Anabol 50mg - British DragonBritish Dragon, Thailand100 tabs$87.50
Anabol 50mg, C&K, ChinaC&K Labs (China)100 tabs$80.00
Anabol 5mg - C&KC&K, China1.000 tabs$92.50
Anadrol 50 / oxymetholoneUnimed100 tabs$82.50
Anapolon 50mg (Oxymetholone)Abdi Ibrahim Turkey20 tabs$27.50
Anapolon 50mg (Oxymetholone)Abdi Ibrahim Turkey20 tabs$19.00
AnavarHubei Huangshi Hanshang, China30 tabs$30.00
Anavar (oxandrolone) 5 mgHubei Huangshi Nanshang Co., Ltd / China30 tabs$22.50
Anazol (Stanozolol) 2mg 100tabsXELOX Pharma Co. inc. / Manila (Philippines)100 tabs$38.50
Andriol / Testosterone UndecanoateOrganon, SEDICO Pharmaceutical Co., Egypt20 caps$16.50
ANDRIOL TESTOCAPS (Testosterone Undecanoate) 40mg capsulesNV Organon60 caps$27.50
ANDRIOL TESTOCAPS 40mg capsulesN.V. Organon, Holland60 capsules$34.00
ANDRIOL TESTOCAPS 40mg capsulesN.V. Organon, Holland60 capsules$30.00
Androgel / Cernos Gel, Testosterone Gel 1% 5gmsSun Pharmaceuticals Ltd14 Pouches$37.50
Androlic (Oxymetholone) 50mg 100TabsBritish Dispensary / Thailand100 tabs$70.00
Androlic 50mgBritish Dragon, Thailand20 tabs$25.00
Androlic 50mg British DispensaryBritish Dispensary, Thailand100 tabs$105.00
Androlic 50mg, C&K, ChinaC&K Labs (China)100 tabs$75.00
Andropen 275 Testosterone blend / 275mg/1ml, 10mlBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$36.00
Andropen 275 Testosterone blend / 275mg/1ml, 20mlBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$59.00
Andropen 275, 10 ml, British DragonBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$40.00
Androvit Depot (Testosterone Heptylate) 5ml Vial/250mg/1mlOcto Pharm / Hungary1 vial$26.00
Averbol 25, 10ml (Injectable Dianabol)British Dragon, Thailand1 vial$40.00
Azolol (Stanozolol) 5mgBritish Dispensary, Thailand400 tabs$57.50
BONALONE (Oxymetholone)Body Research, Thailand100 tabs$65.00
Clomid 50mg, Global NapiGlobal Napi Pharmaceuticals50 tabs$25.00
Cypioject 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml) Testosterone cypionateEurochem Laboratories1 vial$32.50
Cypionator (Testosterone Cypionate USP) 10ml Vial/300mg/1mlScitechpharma / China1 vial$52.50
Cypionax 200 mg (Testosterone cypionate)Body Reseach Co, LTD10 amps$25.00
Cypionax 200 mg (Testosterone cypionate)British Dispensary / Thailand10 amps$32.50
Cytopilin-200 (Testosterone Cypionate) 10ml Vial / 200mg/1mlLyka Labs / India1 vial$52.50
Danabol (Methandrostenolone) 500 Tabs/10mgBody Research / Thailand500 tabs$82.50
Danabol, 10mg, 500tabs, DSBody Research, Thailand500 tabs$85.00
Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone decanoate) 1 ml. / 100mg/mlOrganon10 amps$34.50
Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone decanoate) 2 ml. / 100mg/mlOrganon5 vials$25.00
Deca Durabolin / nandrolone decanoate / 100mgNorma Hellass, Greece10 vial$55.00
Deca Durabolin / nandrolone decanoate / 100mgOrganon, Holland10 vials$64.50
Deca Norma (Nandrolone decanoate) 2 ml.Vial/200mg/2mlNorma Hellas1 vial$4.50
Decabol 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate) 10ml Vial/250mg/1mlBritish Dragon / Thailand1 vial$40.00
Decabol 250 British DragonBritish Dragon1 vial$39.50
Decabol 250 British DragonBritish Dragon, Thailand10 vials$325.00
Decabole 300 (Nandrolone Decanoate USP) 10 ml. Vial/300mg/mlScitechpharma / China1 vial$52.50
Decadubol-100 2 ml vial (100 mg/ml) / Nandrolone DecanoateBM India3 vials$17.00
Deca-durabolin 100mgOrganon, Karachi, Pakistan25 amps$120.00
Deca-durabolin 50mgOrganon, Karachi, Pakistan25 amps$70.00
Decaject, nandrolone decanoate, 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)Eurochem Laboratories1 vial$47.50
Dinandrol 100mg (Nandrolone Mix) - 2ml VialXelox Pharma - Philippines3 vials$22.50
Durabol 100, Nandrolone PhenylpropionateBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$20.00
Durabol 200British Dragon, Thailand1 vial$35.00
Durabole 200 (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) 10ml Vial/200mg/mlScitechpharma / China1 vial$52.50
Durabolin 25, nandrolone phenylpropionateOrganon3 amps$12.50
Halotestex 10mgBritish Dragon, Thailand50 tabs$47.50
Halotestex 10mgBritish Dragon50 tabs$47.50
Halotestin 5mgUpjohn100 tabs$55.00
Halotestin 5mgUpjohn100 tabs$47.50
Mastabol 100 / Dromastanolone Di-propionateBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$36.00
Mastabol Depot 200 BD / Dromastolone Enanathate, Dromastolone PropionateBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$65.00
Metanabol 5mg / JelfaPoland, Jelfa S.A.20 tabs$4.00
Methanabol (Methandienone) 10mg 200tabsBritish Dragon / Thailand200 tabs$39.50
Methanabol (Methandienone) 10mg 500tabsBritish Dragon / Thailand500 tabs$95.00
Methanabol 10mg 200tabsBritish Dragon, Thailand200 tabs$42.50
Methanabol 10mg 500tabsBritish Dragon, Thailand500 tabs$105.00
Methanabol 50mg 100tabsBritish Dragon, Thailand100 tabs$87.50
Methandriol Dipropionate 75British Dragon, Thailand1 vial$35.00
Methandrostenoloni - 5mgRussian100 tabs$22.50
Nandrolone decanoateNorma, Greece20 vials$110.00
Naposim (Dianabol/Methandianone) 5mg 20 tabsTerapia SA / Romania20 tabs$3.00
Naposim 5mg / methandrostenoloneTerapia SA, Romania100 tabs$15.00
Omnadren 250mg/1ml JelfaPoland, Jelfa S.A.25 amps$67.50
Omnadren-250 / 5amp on 1ml (250mg/ml)Jelfa / Poland5 amps$10.50
Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) 10mg 50tabsBritish Dragon, Thailand50 tabs$40.00
Oxanabol 10mg 50tabsBritish Dragon, Thailand50 tabs$42.50
Oxanabol, 5mg, C&KC&K Labs (China)100 tabs$40.00
Oxandrolone (Oxandrolone) 5mgLA Pharma / Thailand50 tabs$25.00
Oxandrolone SPA (Oxandrolone) 2.5mgSPA-Milano / Italy30 tabs$15.00
Oxydrol 50mg (Oxymetholone) 100 TabsBritish Dragon / Thailand100 tabs$85.00
Oxydrol 50Mg, 100tabsBritish Dragon, Thailand100 tabs$85.00
Oxymetholone (Oxymetholone) 100 Tabs/50mgAlhavi, Iran100 tabs$90.00
Primobolan Depot (Methenolone) 1 ml. / 100mg/mlSchering10 amps$52.50
Primoteston Depot 1ml amp (250mg/ml)Schering, Egypt1 amp$5.50
Propionator 200 (Testosterone Propionate) 10ml /200mg/1mlScitechpharma / China1 vial$55.00
Restandol 60 caps (40mg/tab)Greece, Organon60 caps$27.50
SustaJect 250Ec labs - Eurochem1 vial$60.00
Sustanon 250Organon (Portugal/Pakistan)25 amps$105.00
Sustanon 250 (4 Testosterones) / 250mg/1mlOrganon, Pakistan10 amps$39.00
Sustanon 250mg/1ml NileOrganon, Egypt25 amps$100.00
Sustor 250 (4 Testosterones) 10 ml. Vial/250mg/1mlScitechpharma, China1 Vials$42.50
Testabol CypionateBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$28.00
Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate) 10ml vial contains 200mg/mlBritish Dragon / Thailand1 vial$32.50
Testabol Depot / testosterone cypionateBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$28.00
Testabol Enanthate 250mg/1ml, 10ml vialBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$35.00
Testabol Enanthate 250mg/1ml, 10ml vialBritish Dragon, Thailand10 vials$255.00
Testabol Propionate 100 BDBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$21.00
Testabol Propionate 100 BDBritish Dragon, Thailand10 vials$170.00
Testex Elmu Prolongatum 250mg/2mlALTANA Pharma, S.A. Spain10 amps$60.00
Testole Depot (Testosterone Enanthate) 10ml Vial/250mg/1mlScitechpharma / China1 vial$37.50
Testolic (Testosterone Propionate) 2ml (50mg/ml)Body Research / Thailand10 amps$32.50
Testoprop (Testosterone Propionate) 10x1ml Amps / 50mg/mlAnabolic Global / Thailand10 amps$14.00
Testosterone (Testosterone Enanthate) 250mgRotexmedica GmBH / Germany20 amps$52.50
TESTOSTERONE COMPOUND (Sustanon) 10ml x 250mg/mlGenesis Meds1 vial$30.00
Testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml 10mlWatson Pharma USA1 vial$35.00
Testosterone Enanthate 250Aburaihan Co. Tehran, IRAN50 amps$180.00
Testosterone Enanthate 250 NormaNorma, Greece50 amps$247.50
Testosterone Propionate, FarmakFarmak, Ukraine20 amps$20.00
Testosterone suspension / AqiavironNicholas India12 amps$47.00
Testoviron Depot (Testosterone enanthate) 250mg - 1mlSchering20 amps$125.00
Testoviron Depot / ScheringSchering, Germany20 amps$80.00
TESTOVIS / testosterone-propionateS.I.T LABORATORIOS, Italy2 amps$7.50
Trenabol 75 / Trenbolone AcetateBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$44.50
Tri-Trenabol 150British Dragon, Thailand1 vial$69.00
Turanabol 10mgBritish Dragon, Thailand200 tabs$82.50
Vironate (Testosterone Cypionate) 5ml Vial / 200mg/1mlXelox Pharma / Philippines2 vials$42.50
Virormone 2ml (Testosterone Propionate) 100mg/1mlFerring10 amps$49.50

HCG / HGH / Human Hormones

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
ChoriomonIBSA, Suisse15.000 iu$27.50
Choriomon HCG 15000IUIBSA, Switzerland15.000 IU$27.50
EPIAO 10000IU/1ml - Recombinant Human Erythropoietin InjShenyang sunshine pharmaceutical co .,ltd, China10 vials$155.00
EPIAO 2000IU/1ml - Recombinant Human Erythropoietin InjShenyang sunshine pharmaceutical co .,ltd, China10 vials$55.00
HCG / Choriomon (Chorionic Gonadotropin) 5000 IU / (15'000IU per kit)IBSA, Suisse3 vials$27.00
HCG / Chorionic Gonadotropin(10 x 2000 IU)Chinese Generic10 vials$35.00
HCG / Pregnyl (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) (1 x 5000 IU + 1amp. solvent)Organon, Egypt1 kit$10.50
HCG / Pregnyl (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) (3 x 5000 IU)Organon, Holland1 kit$28.00
HCG /Chorionic Gonadotropin 10 x 5000 IUGeneric / China10 vials$82.50
Humulin (Insulin Lispro) (100iu Insulin Lispro per 1ml / 3ml Vial) x 5 Vials per boxEli Lilly / Australia5 vials$50.00
IGF1 Long R3 100mcg per Vial / 1000mcg per kitGeneric1 kit$222.50
Igtropin IGF1 LR3 / 100mcg per vial / 1000mcg per kitGenSci, China1 kit$225.00
Norditropin (HGH) 4iu (1.3mg) + SolventNovo Nordisk / Danemark1 Vial$31.00
Pregnyl 3 X 5000 IU in amp & 3 X 1ml amp of water solution / HCGOrganon, Greece3 amps$27.00
Pregnyl 3 X 5000 IU in amp & 3 X 1ml amp of water solution / HCGOrganon, Holland1 kit$27.50
Serostim (Samotropin) 18UI per Vial ($4.50 for 1IU)Switzerland / Serono USA1 vial$81.00
Somatropin 8IU, (80IU per kit), 10 vials - NEW+ 10 vials Sodium Chloride Injection WaterEurohormones, Macedonia1 kit$200.00
SymbioTropin Pro hgh 40 tabsNUTRACEUTICS40 tabs$35.00

Cutting Steroids

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Aldactazide (Spironlactone/Hydrochlorothiazide) 25mgS.p.a. / Italy20 tabs$7.50
Anadiol Depot / Methandriol Dipropionate / 10ml in vial 75mg/mlTroy Laboratories Pty. Ltd. Australia1 vial$55.00
Boldabol / Boldenone undeclynateBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$37.00
Boldabol 200 (Boldenone undecylenate) 10 ml / 200mg/1mlBritish Dragon / Thailand1 vial$39.50
Boldenol 100 (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml Vial/100mg/1mlLyka Labs / India1 vial$52.50
Bonavar / Oxandrolone / 2.5mgBody Research Thailand50 tabs$34.50
BU - Equipoise (boldenone undeclynate) 3 ml (3.5 ml) Sachet, 200 mg/mlEco-oils / India1 Sachet$10.00
Cetabon (anabolic formula: Stanozolol 2mg, Vitamins B1 50mg)Mfd. by Unilab Pharmaceuticals Co., Thailand200 tabs$20.50
DanabolanBody Reseach in Thailand2 amps$15.00
Equilon (Boldenone Undecylenate) 6ml Vial/100mg/1mlWDV / Burma1 vial$35.00
Equipoise / Boldenone Undecylenate / 50mL - 50mg/1mlFort Dodge, Mexico1 vial$97.50
ILIUM Stanabolic 50mg/ml STANOZOLOLTroy Laboratories Pty Ltd1 vial$47.50
Lasix - Furosemide(12 tabs - 40mg)Aventis12 tabs$4.50
Mastabol (Dromastanolone Di-propionate) 10 ml vial 100 mg/mlBritish Dragon / Thailand1 vial$30.00
Mastabol 100 / Dromastanolone Di-propionateBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$41.00
Mastabol Depot 200 / 10 ml vial 200 mg/mlBritish Dragon / Thailand1 vial$40.00
MasteronHolland, Organon100 tabs$17.50
Masteron 100 (Drostanolon Propionate) 20ml Vial / 100mg/1mlRoos Lion1 vial$107.50
Parabolan / trenbolone acetate, 20 tabs (25 mg/tab)British Pharmaceuticals, Thailand20 tabs$24.50
Parabolan inj (trenbolone acetate) 76-mg/1.5 mlBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$47.50
Primobol (Methenolone Acetate) 50mgBritish Dragon, Thailand30 tabs$55.00
Primobol tabs, British DragonBritish Dragon, Thailand30 tabs$60.00
Primobol-100 (Methenolone Enanthate) 10mlBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial$49.50
Primobolan DepotSchering, Turkey25 amps$125.00
Primobolan Depot (Methenolone) (100mg/ml) 1mlSchering1 amp$5.50
Primoject 10ml vial contains 1000mgEC Labs (Latvia)1 vial$65.00
Stanabol 10mgBritish Dragon, Thailand100 tabs$22.50
Stanabol 10mgBritish Dragon, Thailand500 tabs$107.50
Stanabol 50mgBritish Dragon, Thailand100 tabs$95.00
Stanabol 50mgBritish Dragon, Thailand500 tabs$450.00
Stanabol 50mgC&K Labs (China)100 tabs$85.00
Stanabol 5mgC&K Labs (China)1.000 tabs$100.00
Stanoject / Stanozolol / each vial 10 ml, 50 mg / 1 mlEC Labs1 vial$55.00
STANOL (stanozolol) 5 mg 200tabBody Research, Thailand200 tabs$82.50
Stanol 50mg/1mlBody Research, Thailand25 amps$110.00
Stanol 50mg/1mlBody Research, Thailand100 amps$350.00
STANOZOLOL (Winstrol) 1ml x 50mg/mlL.A. Pharma S.r.l.1 vial$3.00
Stanozolol 10mg 100Tabs / LA, ItalyL.A. Pharma S.r.l.100 tabs$27.50
STANOZOLOL 50mg/ml ( ILIUM )Troy Laboratories Pty Ltd, Australia1 vial$47.50
Testolic 2ml testosteron propianateBody Research Ltd. Thailand10 amps$30.00
TESTOPIN-100 2 ml vial (200 mg/2ml) testosterone propinoateIndia, B.M. Pharmaceuticals3 vials$22.50
Trenabol 200 (Trenbolone Enanthate) 10ml Vial / 200mg/1mlBritish Dragon / Thailand1 vial$80.00
Trenabol 75 (Trenbolone Acetate) 10ml Vial / 75mg/1mlBritish Dragon / Thailand1 vial$47.50
Trenabol depot 100mg/1ml, 10ml vialBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vials$57.00
Trenbola 100 (Trenbolone Acetate) 10ml Vial / 100mg/1mlScitechpharma / China1 vial$52.50
Trenbolone Acetate 20tabs (25 mg/tab), BDBritish Dragon, Thailand20 tabs$24.50
Trenbolone Depot (Trenbolone Enanthate) 10ml Vial / 200mg/1mlScitechpharma / China1 vial$65.00
Tri-Trenbola (Testosterone Mix) 10ml Vial / 150mg/1mlScitechpharma / China1 vial$70.00
Turanabol (Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) 10mg 200tabsBritish Dragon / Thailand200 tabs$85.00
VirormoneNordic5 amps$17.50
Voltaren 75 Diclofenac sodiumNovartis100 tabs$35.00
Winstrol (Stanozolol) 20mg 50tabsSB Laboratories50 tabs$27.50
Winstrol Depot (stanozolol) 50mgZambon / Spain3 amps$13.50

Man's Health

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Apcalis (Tadalafil) 20mg / Oral Jelly / 50 Sachets x 5gmAjanta50 Sachets$115.00
Caverject 10mcg, SyringesPfizer B.V.2 Syringes$35.00
Caverject 10mcg, SyringesPfizer B.V.1 Syring$34.00
Caverject 20mcgPharmacia & Upjohn1 Kit$24.00
Caverject 20mcgPharmacia AB Made in Sweden1 kit$27.50
Cialis (Eli Lilly) 20mg Qty. 4Eli Lilly4 tabs$45.00
Cialis 25 mgC&K, China50 tabs$45.00
Propecia 1mg (Finasteride) 28 tabsMerck Sharp & Dohme28 tabs$45.00
ViagraPfizer labs30 tabs$120.00

Anti Estrogens

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Anastrozole 1mgBritish Dragon, Thailand50 tabs$50.00
Anastrozole tablets / Altraz 1mg 28tabsAlkem Laboratories Ltd. India28 tabs$28.00
Anastrozole, - British DragonBritish Dragon, Thailand50 tabs$52.50
Arimidex / AnastrozoleAstra Zeneca Greece28 tabs $97.50
Aromasin 20mg / Exemestane Tablets / NEWBritish Dragon, Thailand50 tabs$65.00
Aromasin 25 mg / PfizerPfizer30 tabs$80.00
Aromasin 25 mg / Pharmacy & UpJohnPharmacy & UpJohn30 tabs$77.50
Capoten / Captopril 60 tabs 25mgBRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB, PT60 tabs$15.50
Cialis, 20mg, TadalafilLilly ICOS Limited4 tabs$17.50
Cialis, 20mg, Tadalafil, (bottle type)Lilly ICOS Limited30 tabs$127.50
Cialis, 25mg C&KC&K Labs (China)50 tabs$45.00
Clenbuterol (Clenbuterol Hydrochloride) (100 Tabs/ 40mcg)Shaanxi Dafreng / China100 tabs$49.50
Clenbuterol / Hubei HuangshiHubei Huangshi, China50 tabs$13.00
Clenbuterol / Hydrochloride / 200 Tabs/20mcgLA Pharma S.r.l.200 tabs$38.50
Clenbuterol / Hydrochloride / 50 Tabs/0,02 mgNIHFI, Bulgaria50 tabs$9.00
Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) 50mgAventis30 tabs$27.50
Clomid 50mg Clomiphene citrateC&K100 tabs$37.50
Clomid 50mg, AventisAventis30 tabs$30.00
Clomid 50mg, Brunno FarmaceuticiBrunno Farmaceutici50 tabs$22.50
Clomifen 25 mgCon Receta Medica20 capsules$8.00
Clomiphene (Clomiphene Citrate) 50mgShaanxi Dafreng, China15 tabs$7.00
Clomiphene 50mg Clomifene citrateArab Drug Company Cairo A.R.E.50 tabs$22.50
Clomiphene Citrate 12 Tabs/50mgAnfarm Hellas / Greece12 tabs$5.50
Clomiphene citrate 50mgAnfarm Hellas,S.A. Greece24 tabs$11.00
Clostilbegyt (Clomiphene) 50mgHungary/Egis10 tabs$14.00
Eltroxin (T4) (Thyroxin Sodium) 100mcg 1000tebsGlaxo Wellcome / Thailand1.000 tabs$37.50
Euthyrox 100 (Levothyroxine Sodium / T4) 100 tabs/100mgMerck / Germany100 tabs$18.00
Euthyrox 100 (Levothyroxine Sodium / T4) 100 tabs/50mgMerck / German100 tabs$10.00
Legalon 70 (70mg Thistle Milk Fruit Extract)Medaus / Germany100 caps$14.00
Liv-52 (100 Tabs per bottle)Himalaya Health Care / India100 tabs$14.00
Mesterolone BD (Proviron)British Dragon, Thailand50 tabs$47.50
Noladen Forte (Tamoxifen Citrate) /30.40mg)Wyla Pharma / Bangladesh60 caps$32.50
Nolvadex (Tamoxifene) 10mgAstraZeneca / Spain30 tabs$13.50
Nolvadex 10mgAstraZeneca30 tabs$20.00
Nolvadex, 20mg, AstraZenecaAstraZeneca300 tabs$185.00
Nolvadex, 40mg, AstraZenecaAstraZeneca100 tabs$82.50
Nolvadex, 50mgC&K China100 tabs$70.00
Omifin 50 mgAventis30 tabs$14.00
Ovinum (Clomiphene Citrate) 50mgBiolab / Thailand10 tabs$9.00
Proviron (Mesterolone) 25mgShering, Pakistan20 tabs$8.50
Proviron (Mesterolone) 50mgShering, Pakistan20 tabs$22.00
Proviron 25mg MesteroloneSchering20 tabs$9.50
Provironum (Mesterolone) 25mg / 150 TabsSchering150 tabs$40.00
Provironum 25 mg / (Mesterolone)Schering30 tabs$13.00
Spiropent (Clenbuterol) 100 Tabs/20mcg (Clenbuteroli Hydrochloridum)Boehringer Ingelheim / Germany100 tabs$25.00
Tamoxifen (Tamoxifeni Dihydrogenocitras) 10mg/100 TabsLachema / Czech Republic100 tabs$25.00
Teslac (Testolactone) 50mg / 100 tabsMead Johnson100 tabs$60.00
Tiratricol (T3) 50 x 1mg tabletsGenesis Meds50 tabs$35.00
Xenical (Orlistat) 84 x 120mg capsulesF Hoffman-La Roche (Swiss)84 capsules$94.50

Anti Depressants

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Rivotril (CLONAZEPAM) 2 mgRoche60 tabs$22.50
Rivotril (CLONAZEPAM) 2 mgRoche100 tabs$36.50
Rivotril (Clonazepam) 2mg 60tabsRoche60 tabs$82.50
Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam) 1mgRoche30 tabs$30.00
Valium (DIAZEPAM) 10mgRoche50 tabs$17.00
Valium (Diazepam) 10mg 50tabsRoche50 tabs$52.50
Valium (DIAZEPAM) 5mgRoche60 tabs$14.00
Valium (DIAZEPAM) 5mg 60tabsRoche60 tabs$47.50

Head Ache

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Maxalt (Rizatripan) 10 mgProtec-Cipla3 tabs$26.50
Relpax 40mgPfizer Inc6 tabs$32.00
Zomigon (Zolmitriptane) 2.5mgAstra Zenaca6 tabs$65.00

Weight - fat loss

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Cytomel / T3 (liothyronine sodium) 50mcg / 100 TabsJones Pharmaceuticals / USA100 tabs$30.00
Cytomel / T3 / Cynomel / Liothyronine SodiumAventis, France30 tabs$5.00
Cytomel / T4 50 mg (levothyroxine sodium)Uni-Pharma, Greece200 tabs$65.00
DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) 100 mg CapsulesBiomax Labs, Turkey100 Capsules$42.50
Phentermine (blue/clear) 30mg. 100 CapsEon Labs100 caps$47.50
Reducil 15mg Sibutramine Hydrochloride 28 tabs$55.00
T3 Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) 100mcg / 100 TabsLA Pharma / Italy100 tabs$35.00
TRIACANA 0.35 mcg (3,5,3´-triiodothyroacetic acid - Tiratricol)Marcofina FR100 tabs$21.00
Thiomucase cream (mucopolisacaridasa) 100 mg/TubeAlmiral Greece100 tube$34.00
Xenical 120mgRoche168 tabs$145.00

Anti-acne / Herpes

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Acnotin 10 (Accutane) (Isotretinoin) / 10mgMega Lifesciences/ Thailand30 tabs$34.50
Acnotin 20 (Accutane) (Isotretinoin) / 20mgMega Lifesciences / Thailand30 tabs$47.50
Famvir (Famciclovir) 125 mgNovartis Pharmaceuticals10 tabs$22.50
Viranet / Valtrex (Valacyclovir) 500mgKampel Martian10 tabs$50.00
Zovirax, 5%, 15 gm Tube (Acyclovir)GlaxoSmithKline1 Tube$45.00

Quit Smoking

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Zyban (bupropion) 150 mgGlaxoSmithKline60 tabs$75.00

Muscle Relaxers

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Baclofen 25mgPolpharma S.A.50 tabs$10.00
Muscoril Caps 20 x 4 mgSANITAL PHARMACEUTICALS20 caps$12.50
Norgesic generic (Nuberol) (Orphenadrine)Searle100 tabs$20.00

Anti-hair loss

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Harifin 5 (Finasteride) 5mgTO Chemicals Ltd./Thailand30 tabs$29.00
Propecia (Finasteride) 1mgMSD / Australia30 tabs$14.00
Proscar (Finasteride) 5mg / 15 TabsMerck & Co.15 tabs$16.00


NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Ephedrine Level 25mgPakistan50 tabs$8.50
Nucofed (Ephedrine)Monarch Pharmaceuticals, Inc.60 caps$11.50

Sexual Stimulation

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Kamagra Gold 100mg Sildenafil CitrateAjanta Pharmancy / India4 tabs$7.00
Kamagra Jelly 100mg Sildenafil Citrate Oral JellyAjanta Pharmancy / India10 Jelly$14.00
Viagra 100mg (Sildenafil Citrate) 4 Tabs/100mgPfeizer Greece4 tabs$11.00

Genital Warts

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Aldara cream 5% (Imiquimod)3M Pharmaceuticals12 Sachets$90.00
Wartek (Podophyllotoxin) cream 5 gr x 0,15%Stiefel1 tube$22.50

Pain Releaf

NameManufacturerPackageCost $
Advil (Ibuprofen) 200mgCIPLA325 tablets$11.00
Celebrex 200mgPfizer labs120 capsules$170.00
Mesulid (Nimesulide) 100mgItaly Farmaceutici Damor S.p.A30 tabs$9.00
Movatec (Meloxicam) 15mgMobic60 tabs$19.00
Naprosyn 500mgRoche20 tabs$5.50
Oruvail (Ketoprofen) 200mgMay & Baker14 tabs$8.50
Vioxx 25mgMerck90 tabs$195.00

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